South Jakarta

Jl Kemang Timur Land

Jl Kemang Timur

IDR 0 /unit - IDR 210,000,000,000 /unit

The subject site is located on the main road of Jl. Kemang Timur, within the renowned affluent suburb of Kemang, South Jakarta. The site was formally the location of a school. The building situated on the site was completed in 1986 and it has an area of +/- 3,000 sqm. The site also offers ex-facilities of the school such as a swimming pool and a mini soccer field. Surroundings of the site mainly comprises of residential development with some commercial facilities.



Residential. Development of a school is allowed with conditions set out by the Jakarta Spatial Planning Agency (Dinas Cipta Karya Tataruang dan Pertanahan Jakarta)

Land Size

9,632 sqm

Building Size

+/- 3,000 sqm


SHM (Freehold Title)

KLB (Plot Ratio)

- Alternative 1: 0.6

- Alternative 2: 1.6

KDB (Site Coverage)

- Alternative 1: 60%

- Alternative 2: 40%

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Jl Kemang Timur

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Available Facilities

Location Remarks

  • +/- 2km from Lippo Mall Kemang
  • +/- 2.4 km from TB Simatupang Corridor
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